Welcome to my web site which contains maps, stories, history, advice and over 800 photographs to help you explore Portland, Dorset - The Jewel of the Jurassic Coast

The Beach Road

Portland, Dorset

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The above image is copyright Dorset County Council 2000 and is reproduced here with permission

This aerial photograph show the area covered by this page.

The ex-Royal Naval Air Station now accommodates the Search and Rescue Services and the extensive Sailing Academy.

In Victorian times and earlier The Mere was a swampy area used mainly for washing sheep.

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Please click here to visit the satellite image of this area on Google Maps. Click the BACK button on your browser to return to this page.

Please click here to explore this area in Google Street View.

Floods in January 1990 caused havoc. An abandoned car straddles the Portland-bound lane of the Chesil Beach Road.

A few months later the adjacent 'canal' was ablaze with Sea Pink flowers.

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The centuries of flooding at the entrance to Portland were finally tackled in the 1980s when the beach road was raised about one metre and a huge drainage scheme was implemented. The vast amounts of water that can pour over the beach are collected and carried to Portland Harbour in the east. 

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In times of strong gales this channel is full of water.

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Sunset on Mid-Summer's Day over Chesil Beach.

Note the sun pillar - the vertical bright ray moving up from the Sun. This is due to reflections from ice crystals high in the atmosphere.

August 2003 - some of the old oil storage tanks are demolished.

The remainder were removed in 2008.

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